Aikido Martialarts info

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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

What is Aikido?

Aikido is one of the most ancient form of martial arts. Founded by Morihei Ueshiba, Aikido was born through his studies with a variety of traditional martial arts. Indeed, it is often perceived as an exercise or dance, because some of its forms. It is also considered some of the actors as a kind of martial law in animal magnetism. Aikido is even confused with Daito-Ryu Aikijutsu is different in its essence. Yet, its founder because of its creation in Master of Aikido Sokaku Takeda, grandmaster of Daito Ryu, opened his eyes to the nature of Budo.

What is aikido?

Despite its many perceived forms Aikido is a Budo or martial arts. The refinement of the techniques taught in traditional martial arts and is combined with a philosophy that called for power in mind. In essence, it is a mixture of body and mind. His philosophy is essentially derived from the belief that deception and trickery or brute force will not make us defeat our opponents. Instead of fusion involving the mind is enough to strengthen us.

Aikido is also used as a means to discover our true paths so that we can develop our individuality. It also teaches its practitioners to unify their body and mind to become in harmony with the universe and with nature. His power and strength come from this balance and harmony. The word universe in aikido is not a concept dark one can not reach. It is actually very specific and still within reach of the person. aikido, "universe
can be achieved through actual experiences and everyday life.

Aikido movements and techniques are circular. When a circle is created in aikido, the person is supposed to be protected by a collision with an opposing force. A solid center, but necessary to create this circle. An example of a circle is now a top which rotates at high speed. Without a strong center, the speed of movement will only create an imbalance. The silence of the router, while expediting the movement is called in the language sumikiri Aikido. This is achieved only by what Aikido founder calls clarity of mind and body.But this is not so easy to make. It is time to study and practice to find this intense concentration centered.

Training is important in aikido as well as concentration because while it may be easy to create a center that, when inside a martial arts gym, could not be said of situations and external circumstances. It is not easy to keep your composure in front of extraordinary circumstances. This is really one of the goals of Aikido training. Its aim is to teach its practitioners to maintain their composure and their centrality even in panic situations such as danger and calamities. One method taught in aikido is to breathe with what is called the point tanden Seika. This is the part of the body is two inches below your navel. Breath control is the key to being one with the universe and to center oneself with nature. When a person learns to do, he or she will feel extraordinary tranquility that can be used in the practice of aikido.

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